Saturday, September 6, 2014

Week 3: Famous Last Words

This week flew by so fast that I barely remember what happened! One of my highlights was going to the first football home game of the season. It was my last first game! I was so sad, but it was so much fun.

(Image information: Personal photo of OU vs. Louisiana Tech from August 2014)

More family was visiting again this weekend, so I went back home after the game for the long weekend because my class was cancelled on Tuesday. It was so funny having family over for two weeks in a row; most of my family lives in India, so that never happens! We had a great time, though, and my youngest sister who is in elementary school was so excited to have relatives her age to play with. There's only so much pretending with her that I can do :).

The student ministry I'm involved in had one of our first official events this week, and it was our first time to try a new format. It took a lot of work and prayer, but I'm so grateful it went well. I also attended different meetings for different organizations for fun, and it was really good. Lastly, some friends in medical school in Tulsa and OKC came to visit, and it was so encouraging to hear from them and tell me about their experiences and advice for me and other seniors. 

Because this weekend was so packed, I barely had time to do what I'm hoping to do for this class, which is to finish the majority of the assignments over the weekend. So far it's going pretty well! I have other classes with a lot of reading, so trying to keep everything straight in my mind has been interesting. I enjoyed this week's storytelling project, and I think it's going to be my favorite part of the class.

1 comment:

  1. I also got to go to my last first game of the season as well. At least it was a good one for us! Are you planning to come to games after graduation? I know a lot of students who still use their student IDs while buying the tickets from someone else. Your student ministry sounds great, and I wish my church had a more diverse program to offer the college students there.
