Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 10: Famous Last Words

(Image information: Screenshot of my storybook project "Janaki's Journal", from my storybook website)
I can't believe that this is my last blog post! I really liked how I could self-pace the class with a lot of extra credit in order to finish early. I really need to focus on my research project, so this is a huge blessing. I have enjoyed this class so much... So much so, that I'm taking Mythology and Folklore next semester. I am excited to be able to read diverse stories and further improve my writing and thinking skills. This class has been a lot of work, but overall, I am extremely glad I decided to do it. It's truly been fun.

This week I focused on my storybook. Right now, I’m in the process of ending my storybook project with the sons of Rama and Sita going through Sita’s journals and giving their responses. This last entry is the hardest yet, because there’s elements I want to tie together but need to figure out how to do so. One thing I’m happy about though, was that I decided to give the twins distinct personalities. Lava is the cool teenager who tries to be tough but has a heart of gold. Kusa is the cool, levelheaded twin who fiercely loves his family and is willing to give his father a chance. It’s been fun.

The rest of the semester includes many exams and papers, so I will have to stay disciplined because now, I won’t have an excuse to write for school. Writing is a great outlet for emotions and also to work through readings and concepts, so it will be different to not have my “fun class” to go to. Hopefully I’ll end my other classes well and be able to get ready to finish off my college career! Thanks to all of my classmates who have read and commented on my stories—I’ve really appreciated your input and suggestions to make my writing better. Thanks also to Laura! This class was so great—I not only learned but I had fun doing it. I could absolutely tell how much work you must have done in order to make the class smooth, easy to understand, educational, and enjoyable.


  1. Hi Abigail! It is amazing that you have finished up so quickly! It was a great idea to do all of the extra credit to finish early. I have not really been doing much of it, so I am nowhere near done with the semester. I am working to change that, however, so I hope to be where you are in a few weeks. Good luck with the upcoming papers though! Is this your last semester? I am glad that you liked this class, it is definitely my favorite this semester. I hope everything goes well in the coming weeks!

  2. Thank you for your kind words, Abigail - and I am so excited I will get to read another Storybook from you next spring. I go through a huge Storybook-withdrawal in-between semesters... getting to know Kusa and Lava through your Storybook has been a very memorable part of the semester for me, and I am glad that you chose finishing up the Storybook as the assignment to bring you to the end of the class. I know you must be swamped with other classes and I am really glad you will get some more time for your research project, and also some time to enjoy the upcoming fall holidays too!

  3. I'm just a bystander (or would that be a 'by-surfer/lurker'?) and am becoming addicted to the Storybooks too. Since I've taught Ramayana too ~ always a favorite ~ I especially look forward to Epics of India Storybooks
