Thursday, October 9, 2014

Week 8: Famous Last Words

(Image information: Captain America: Winter Soldier poster, image from Marvel)
This week has been the calm before the storm. Since I'm trying to make the most out of my last year at OU, I've been participating more in the student organizations I like. I have no idea how those who are more involved balance everything! I have several tests and essays next week, but hopefully it will all go well. I have a lot of studying and writing and reading to do, but it's okay. This is a harder semester, but I enjoy the challenge.

This week's assignments were really helpful for me to prepare myself for the things to come. It was good to go over things and reflect while being able to explore more storybooks. I read a lot of great storybooks and storytelling assignments this week; I read several ones about Sita and her thoughts similar to the diary format I'm using in my storybook project. They were really great, and it inspired me to look at different angles as I write. I also got to look at the Mythology and Folklore class storybooks, which was really fun. I read a lot of stories I had never heard about before; I like that we were able to look at the other class projects.

This week I've been preparing for a dance performance, and it's really fun. I'm not a dancer at all, but I love it. It's also great exercise. I'm not doing much this weekend, since I have so many papers and tests to get ready for. However, I won't miss watching the game! I'm really excited for it. Last week wasn't fun, but they can make a great comeback tomorrow. I’ve started it off well, though. I went back home, and my family and I are having a movie night. We’re watching Captain America: Winter Soldier. I’ve always been behind when it comes to movies, but better late than never, right?

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