Saturday, September 13, 2014

Google Presence Tech Tip

This week I googled myself for my tech tip! My name is pretty unique, so I was the only person who showed up really. Personally, I like to minimize the public availability of my information, which is why my social media accounts are private and also why I try to use pseudonyms or initials as much as I can, as is the case with this blog.

I've googled myself before in high school because one day we had finished an assignment early and one of the guys mentioned that when he googled his name, he came up with a scientist who had killed himself. It was pretty sad, but all of my classmates began to google each other and laugh over the humorous results.

I was heavily involved in a national student organization in high school, so the majority of pictures and web articles I found was related to my involvement in that. I served as the HOSA president for my state in my senior year of high school. It was a blast.

I'm also a campus tour guide now, so I found my online profile for that. I submitted some changes this year, so hopefully it will get updated soon.

I searched on google and bing, and the results were very similar.

Overall, I was happy with my online presence.

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